solution-focused coaching, training and workshops.

I co-construct new possibilities with individuals, groups or organisations wanting to overcome personal or professional challenges, exploring ways to achieve desired changes in life and work and feel happier. I also deliver solution-focused skills workshops, training and group-work, with an ethos of social justice, collaboration, feminism and playfulness.

What I offer

  • coaching

  • introductory solution-focused practice workshops

  • five day accredited certificate in solution-focused practice

  • solution-focused mindfulness

  • solution-focused skills training

  • solution-focused groupwork

I am respectful and curious about the unique way you look at the world.

I ask useful questions to help you make change in ways that feel right for you.

I provide a safe space for you to explore what you want and discover how best to get there. Sessions are kind and usually involve some laughter. I help you notice what in the present moment is important to you, invite you to find out what you really…

I provide a safe space for you to explore what you want and discover how best to get there. Sessions are kind and usually involve some laughter. I help you notice what in the present moment is important to you, invite you to find out what you really truly value and help you understand how you would like things to be different. I also find out what parts of your personal or professional life are actually going ok. This means it is easier for you to do more of what works, identify strengths and progress from there.